Our services.

  • $1,000/mo

    For smaller companies, a monthly hour-long CFO call giving high-level advice. We will not build your cash-flow or forecasting model. We will review what you have done and give you advice on next steps.

  • $3,000/mo

    This is our flagship service. We will connect to your accounting system and create a cash-flow forecast and strategic forecast that you can use to run your business and meet with.investors. Specifically,

    • A one-hour CFO call where we deliver the above reports and advise on actions you should take.

    • A half-hour mid-month check-in call

    • Slack messages for quick questions.

    Please note that messages will only be answered during business hours.

  • Projects

    Fixed-fee project-based work on any aspect of your business. We are an official partner with Causal and have guided clients in FP & A using Causal.